Friday, August 13, 2010

#6/30 For Aaliyah

Hey, don't take this the wrong way, but
I sometimes don't remember you,
Your face, isn't a safely kept image in my memory safe
I hate to admit it but I've failed to feel your impact......


You were a spiraling kamikaze
A starburst lost, headed for the Milky Way
It’s no wonder; the world felt you when you died
Millions cried when your death was announced
But not I
Not because I didn’t want to,
But I had no tears to share
It’s like skin; you can’t shed what you can’t peel away
I have wronged your memory
So this is my apology to you….
I’m sorry….
I’m sorry for not knowing who you were
For not sun-taning under the heat filled passion of your music
For not finding my place in the note cracks of your voice
For not knowing your middle name was Dana and that your last was Haughton
I saw romeo must die tonight
It was on B.E.T, edited, I’ve never seen it completely and B.E.T was already an hour into the movie
I’m sorry for trying to get a glimpse of your body when the scenes cut
It’s the devil man in me, asking why I should care about a dead star
This poem is an uppercut to the him, Aaliyah
Let him feel, your rage, and anger
Tell him that ghostly punches can land harder than real ones
Can you ever forgive me and him too?
For knowing only 1 line of 2 of your songs
“That boy is mine” and for the other I can’t remember at the moment
If I ever make it to heaven will you be able to look at me?
On June 15th I heard drakes’ “unforgettable”
And didn’t realize that was a sample of you
Till Jamie mentioned it
They say your vocals where the good kind of sickening
And that you could dance a tsunami onto its toes
I never saw and barely heard
But if you're floating by dreams tonight
Please, stop by for a bit
Break me of a speck of your angelic halo,
Let it become my new soul
And maybe that way
Just maybe
I'll give you the tears you deserve for your death

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